Friday, December 11, 2009

Herpes Outer Nose I Only Have One Bump On My Genitals. Could This Be Genital Herpes?

I only have one bump on my genitals. Could this be genital herpes? - herpes outer nose

I think I might have genital herpes. I have a lump in the area of itchy vulva (labia) and hurts when I touch it. It is not leak or leave something simple and without rigidities. I have no other symptoms of the same thing. I wonder if it could genital herpes. I have an appointment with my doctor before, but the pain is gone. I am currently deployed on the sea with the military, I can see a doctor sooner. Somebody has an idea. Thank you for your help.


THB said...

I agree with the bike in May compass, except that the genital herpes should be tested. The blood test takes only 2 days back for the results. You can also try the lesion, if present. You can infect others, even if they have no visible injuries (one shot).

bikecomp... said...

It is highly unlikely that a single blow to herpes. Herpes is like a bunch of superficial ulcers. There should be no bumps feeling for her. A strike could be a wart or just an irritation of the gland to heal itself. If you are concerned about herpes, you can still do a blood test to see if you carry HSV2. This antibody test is as herpes simplex. He will tell you if you have diabetes type 1 (oral), and if you have diabetes type 2 (genital). It is good that your doctor will check carefully to ensure that no other deep holes in the vagina, where they can not see them, and also ensure that your Pap test is normal.

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