Monday, January 25, 2010

Sports Psychology Courses Books On The Following Psychology Topics?

Books on the following psychology topics? - sports psychology courses

I am studying a course in psychology at AS, which will be followed by an examination in May / June 2010.
I have two books that are part of the course, but I think you have to really understand the issue and be able to grade A (literally) in the examination of the responses I read around the subject, and books in a higher level as my class to give me an advantage.
Thus, it requires serious (and I mean by professionals and academics at the universities), and books in the following areas:

* Behavioral, cognitive, psychodynamic explanations of biological and biochemical phobias and OCD
* The social influence (including the observance of minority influence, respect and obedience), especially at work or study, Cialdini Asch test line or the sheriff effect autokinetic
* Sport Psychology
* Memory

All recommendations would be appreciated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How can progress in the neurosciences?

It is a book that I used to be very far advanced, and you can be useful:
"Principles of Neural Science" by Kandel: Good for biochemists, statements, etc..

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