Saturday, January 23, 2010

Pancreatitis Diet What Is Pancreatitis And Is There A Diet For It?

What is Pancreatitis and is there a diet for it? - pancreatitis diet

I was told pancreatitis And now?


Lisa A said...

I waited several days for other answer to this question and I'm game.Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. Most people never find an accurate diagnosis. There are several theories. Distribution of small channels, SOD Sphincter of Oddi. Anatomic defects, such as pancreas divisum or annular pancreas. Have not really the cause, treatment is usually always the same. Sometimes during ERCP can be discussed, is that an endoscope is inserted through the mouth. Finally, the scope is passed into the small intestine and the bile ducts. When using the liquid, and get the X-ray images and are the pressure, if necessary achieved, too. It is possible that the doctor insert and will expand batches if necessary during this process. It's safe to say that this procedure is not and this is not acute pancreatitis. You should try to find a doctor who believes that the pancreas to his specialty. This is difficult and can travel to another city or state to see what kind of doctor. BreadPancreatitis, and can be very painful. Time will determine whether UPS will continue to have style. The theories that a diet low in fat will help with the pain. All the food I found painful. There are many groups that Yahoo provide support for people with pancreatitis and I strongly suggest you take at one of their choice. Since you and your doctor are the ones who are planning their care. Good luck to you, I hope the relief you seek. ... ...

ms bell said...

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. Check out these links for more information: ...
First, I would consult a doctor and consult your doctor. I do not know how to have a serious case, or is an acute or chronic pancreatitis. Treatments include IV fluids, antibiotics and analgesics. A low-fat, nutritious diet is vital, and drink lots of caffeine, and avoid his side. Good luck!

Cats said...

There is no special diet. You need to know why you have developed - the most common cause is caused by alcohol, but may be caused by gallstones. Let the healing itself, which means no alcohol at all.

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