More quesitons about Learning Urdu Outside Classrooms...? - learning urdu blogspot
I'm trying to learn to say a few phrases and words of the conversation in Urdu, without a class. Are there any tried and true software such as Rosetta Stone or any other interactive methods (eg Internet), help me to speak Urdu (I'm a little acoustic and optical).
Thank you:)
If you search on Amazon, many books that can help you learn to learn, to Urdu for your account, you speak and read. Everything you need to leave the conversation, you need the rest of their own work to find the source of the level, if desired.
If you search on Amazon, many books that can help you learn to learn, to Urdu for your account, you speak and read. Everything you need to leave the conversation, you need the rest of their own work to find the source of the level, if desired.
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